Step 5: Increase Vaccination Coverage on Campus

Never forget that your overall goals are to educate about HPV and HPV vaccination, reduce barriers to HPV vaccination for your students, and ultimately increase HPV vaccination for your student body! Central to knowing whether your campaign is a success is tracking the success of achieving each goal. In this section, we highlight a few key ways you might track and measure your campaign’s progress and success, depending on which intervention plan you’ve decided to use.

1. Student self-report

  • Utilize a student survey. Surveys can be a useful way to determine not only important student information before your campaign (e.g., student knowledge about HPV) but also a useful way to measure the impact of your campaign during and after it ends.  Ask students questions like:
    • Knowledge about HPV
    • Knowledge about HPV vaccination
    • Where did you hear about HPV vaccination
    • Have you gotten vaccinated in the past month/3 months/6 months?’
    • Where did you get vaccinated?
  • Paper surveys can be used in the campus health center or have students fill them out at an information table.  Online surveys can be sent to students through their email address.

2. Clinic-level data

  • If your campaign involves doing on-campus vaccination, tracking the number of HPV vaccinations during your campaign can be an important way to measure actual behavior.  Work with your campus health clinic to track the number of HPV vaccinations given during your intervention
  • If your campus involves doing off-campus vaccination, you can attempt to track vaccination several different ways:
    • Student self-report (see above)
    • Clinic-level data; if the off-campus partner is willing to share vaccination numbers or track the number of college students who receive the HPV vaccine.
    • CHIRP data; using the state registry to track which students have gotten vaccinated during the intervention period can be a useful way to see how your intervention is doing.
  • If you are choosing to do a one-day mass vaccination clinic, you might be able to track based on the number of vaccines given in a single day.  Link with existing programs

***Keep in mind that there are strict FERPA and HIPPA laws that must be adhered to when using and linking college students’ identification information and their vaccination status.  Working with your stakeholders to figure out the best way for tracking the interventions’ success may take some time, so make sure to spend time planning how you will evaluate your intervention.***

Finally, we encourage you to report on the results of your campaign to the Indiana Immunization Coalition!  In fact, feel free to reach out to us at any point during your campaign and we can find ways to help you be successful.