Once the plan has been laid out, a task assignment is key for success. Tackling an intervention like this, especially on a large college campus, requires a team of people. Be clear in the tasks that need to be accomplished, by whom, and at what point. Below, we break down the different intervention plans again and provide example tasks assignments and a timeline. Remember that if you are doing a combination of these plans, you’ll want to think about how you’ll need to combine these preparatory tasks and timelines.
Regular meetings or even email check-ins are important to make sure tasks are getting done and to ensure that you can track the progress of the intervention. You may also want to designate a team leader or just a main contact person who can be the point person for any issues that arise. Finally, it may be helpful to have a centralized digital location like Box or Google Docs to keep all of your intervention planning materials.
Be sure to check out our printable resources that can help you plan great meetings and events to make this step easier, including a guide to creating SMART goals.

Who Can Help with Tasks Related to PROMOTION
Student Groups – Groups of students can be utilized to help spread information about the campaign, hang posters or assemble packets of information.
Professors – Professors can encourage students to participate in events. If you have a showing of “Someone You Love”, you might encourage medical-related courses to offer extra credit for attending.
Journalism Students – Do you have a school newspaper that can feature a story about your campaign? Engage.
Who Can Help with Tasks Related to VACCINATION
Nursing Students – Can you partner with your nursing school for students to give injections? This can be a great opportunity for students to get experience.
Greek Life – Sororities and Fraternities enjoy participating in philanthropic activities, such as helping at mass vaccination events