Every year, on March 4th, the International Papillomavirus Society and its partners around the world promote a one-day campaign to inform the public about HPV and promote HPV vaccination. Project HPV-Free Collegiate Vaccination Toolkit is proud to present this special mini-toolkit to recognize International HPV Awareness Day on college campuses. Regardless of your current or future HPV prevention campaign plans, everyone can participate in this one-day campaign.
5 ways you can promote International HPV Awareness Day On Your Campus (March 4th)

- Spread the news! Use our free special resources to share information via websites and social media geared toward college students
- Host an event! A showing of the documentary “Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic” can bring awareness to the topic of HPV and cervical cancer
- Pass the swag! Set up an information table with HPV-themed giveaways, like buttons and pens
- Engage in campus life! Use our “Five Facts” flyer to educate in residence halls and Greek life communities
- Get poked! Host an on-campus vaccination drive, or partner with a community organization to get students vaccinated against HPV
We hope you’ll join us on International HPV Awareness Day to promote HPV awareness on your college campus and encourage your students to get vaccinated.
As always, we are ready and available to help you succeed by offering content, giveaways, and personalized support for FREE! To get started, contact us at the form below.