Step 2: Create a Plan

At this point, you should have filled out the Readiness Assessment Form.  Based on your answers to the questions on that form, you should be able to use the decision tree below to determine which strategy is right for you.  We hope that all colleges and universities would engage in increasing education and promotion about HPV vaccination.  Then, depending on your campus layout, you will need to make decisions about whether you want to direct students to get the vaccine at a one-day mass vaccination clinic, provide the vaccination at the campus health center, or send students off campus to get vaccinated (or some combination of those!).

Which Strategy is Right for You?

Do you want to drive students to a specific vaccination provider?
Do you want to drive students to a specific vaccination provider?
Plan and implement
education campaign only
Plan and implement <br/>education campaign only
Do you want to hold a mass vaccination event?
Do you want to hold a mass vaccination event?
Do you have a campus health clinic that can administer vaccines and accept multiple forms of payment?
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Plan an implement mass vaccination clinic
Plan an implement mass vaccination clinic
Plan and implement
campus health campaign
Plan and implement <br/>campus health campaign
Plan and implement local health agencies campaign
Plan and implement local health agencies campaign
Local Health Department
Local Health Department
Local Pharmacies
Local Pharmacies
Local Hospitals
and Clinics
Local Hospitals <br>and Clinics

Intervention Strategy

In the next sections, we go through each of the four strategies and provide some tips and ideas for getting started.  Importantly, now that you’ve decided on which plan you’ll follow, it may be important to have a planning meeting with your team to specifically discuss what resources you’ll need to carry out your plan.  This would include not only monetary resources (e.g., how to pay for the printing of posters) but also other resources.